Șarba is a grape variety obtained from Romanian grape Tămâioasă Românească and Italian Riesling.
It is a rare Romanian grape planted in a small area on the sunny hills in the east part of Romania, in Vrancea county.
The wine is usually dry and is 100% a summer wine. It is refreshing, with medium acidity and fine floral aromas like white roses, basil, linden flowers and honey.
It is best to be drink fresh in order to be enchanted by the full palette of aromas.
Șarba – Romanian grape varieties
Șarba is a grape variety obtained from Romanian grape Tămâioasă Românească and Italian Riesling.
It is a rare Romanian grape planted in a small area on the sunny hills in the east part of Romania, in Vrancea county.
The wine is usually dry and is 100% a summer wine. It is refreshing, with medium acidity and fine floral aromas like white roses, basil, linden flowers and honey.
It is best to be drink fresh in order to be enchanted by the full palette of aromas.
Discover our selection:
Epicentrum Șarba & Plăvaie
16,40 €Panciu Riserva Șarbă
12,20 €