Villa Vinea

The story of Villa Vinea started in 2004, when Heiner Oberrauch discovered in the middle of Transylvania, near the city of Tîrgu-Mureș, this beautiful, promising land.

“I fell in love instantly with this area and, to this day, I still remember the first time I set eyes on it: its charming landscape of the Tarnave river, carefully caressed by light, with hills that reminded me of an untamed Tuscany. I decided to make it my home, start a vineyard and create unique wines, of great character, that would remain memorable with those who taste them.” – Heiner Oberrauch, Villa Vinea owner

Our vineyard

VILLA VINEA estate is located on a gentle hill at 330-350 m above sea level, with generous exposition to the south, right above Tarnava Mica river. The vineyards are just 20 minutes driving from Tirgu Mures airport.

The Tarnave region of Transylvania is one of the best for white grapes in Romania, but recently the red varieties planted during the past 15 years, produced quality crops and an excellent lot of Pinot Noirs and Feteasca Neagra.

Depending on their position, the soils of the vineyard are very heavy, silty loam soils rich in limestone with strong mineral deposits, which are responsible for the juicy flavor of the Villa Vinea wines. The clay content varies between 38-45 %. A percentage of 51-55 is reached if the parts of fine silt are also counted. These soils, difficult to work because of their composition, have, on the other hand, high water storage capacity and ability to bind nutrients. The humus content of the soil is responsible for its loosening and aeration.

The region is within the continental climate area. Hot and dry summers with an above average amount of sunshine and little precipitation alternate with cold and rough winters. The southern slopes exposition is doubled by a good aeration due to the ever-blowing gentle wind which dries the morning dew quickly and prevents the generation of mold on the grapes in a natural way. Because of the little rainfall during the hot summer period, most of the time there is no need to spray the grapes. The long autumn with its cool nights helps the grapes to reach an aromatic ripeness.


Wines from Villa Vinéa

villa vinea romanian winery

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