We embarked on our journey in 2011, when we planted our vineyards stretching over 154 hectares located in Dobrogea, the land between the Danube and the Black Sea, in the renowned Murfatlar D.O.C. wine region, near the village of Peștera, an area with a tradition of grape cultivation since antiquity.
Then followed study trips into the fascinating world of wine, from which we learned that the secret to a very good wine lies in grapes of very good quality.
Hence our choice to cultivate the entire area according to the principles of biodynamic agriculture – the science of life forces, the cultivation system with the most pronounced holistic approach, this being also our vision of the future of agriculture, towards healthy food. Thus, the first biodynamic vineyard in Romania came into being.
Respect for life in all its forms is the basis of our philosophy: respect for Nature, for the Earth, plants, animals, insects, for the environment, for the people who work on the farm, and last but not least, for the people who consume our wines.
We are convinced that high-quality grapes can only be obtained by respecting the principles and rhythms of Nature, this method of cultivation allowing the terroir to express itself through the development of authentic aromas and the production of wines with personality.
Our initiative is to integrate biodynamic agriculture with the latest wine production technologies, to achieve our goal: the production of exceptional wines.
The Ecological Certification of Domain Bogdan was obtained in 2016, from Austria Bio Garantie, an Inspection and Certification Body active since 1994.
source: domeniulbogdan.ro
Wines from Bogdan Domain
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