Dealurile Munteniei & Olteniei Wine Region

Two things define this region: the heat and the drought, perfect conditions to produce high quality Romanian wines.

The history of wine making in Muntenia & Oltenia is impressive. Ancient proofs of wine making, more than 2000 years old, were found here. This attests the ongoing activity since then. It is the birthplace of Crâmpoșie Selecționată, Negru de Drăgășani and Novac grapes.

Now days, here is one of the biggest Romanian wine industry development. Because on one hand we have the old vineyards rebirth. Many owners had reclaimed their domains taken abusively by the communists. And on the other hand there are a lot of new wineries inaugurated lately.

The region’s famous Romanian wines are the red ones produced from indigenous grapes like Fetească Neagră, Negru de Drăgășani, Novac and the white local Crâmpoșie Selecționată.

Dealurile Munteniei și Olteniei has nine areas with D.O.C. certification. These are: Ștefăneşti, Sâmbureşti, Drăgăşani, Banu Mărăcine, Mehedinți (belonging to European wine growing zone C1) and Pietroasele, Cernătești, Dealu Mare, Segarcea (European wine growing zone C2).

P.S. Here is where the real Dracula lived!

Wines from Dealurilor Munteniei și Olteniei

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