La Sapata Pétiant Artizanal Bio White


La Sapata Pétiant Artizanal Bio White is a pétillant naturel wine with a pale opalescent yellow color, with yeast deposits due to the second fermentation in bottle.

It has intense fruity aromas with a hint of yeast, the taste is fresh, fruity and fragrant, with high acidity prom the first fermentation.

Goes well with appetizers, fish and cheese.

  • Year: 2018
  • Color: White wine
  • Grape: Fetească regală
  • Region: The Dobruja Hills wine region
  • Winery: La Sapata
  • Type: dry
  • Format: 0,75 l
  • Production: 2000 bottles

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“Crama Delta Dunarii” winery, located near the fascinating Danube Delta, has 20 hectares of vineyard with a newly-constructed winery of 300 square meters. Grape varieties cultivated are: Fetească, Rkatitel, Riesling, Sauvignon, Moscato Ottonel (for white wines) Merlot, Băbescă Neagră, Blauer, Sangiovese (for red wines).
Podgorica (wine classification) is Sarica Niculițel. The soil is not rich by nature, but rather poor and sandy, though it has been revitalized by the wild plants that have proliferated due to years of neglect. This makes it ideal for a low yield of high quality. Because the land has lain fallow for many years, plants which have grown there spontaneously have enriched the soil in a natural way. The climate is cold in winter, with minimum temperatures of 15/20 degrees below 0C, with some rainfall and snow; in summer it is hot and dry, with an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius in the summer months.

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