Situated on the piedmont steps of the Sub-Carpathians Mountains Curb, the village of Ţifeşti is located in the middle of the Panciu vineyard.
Here we can find luteargic loam soil developed on fine middle loessoid deposits. The humidity is balanced the temperature is moderate with an annual average of 10.2℃ and sun exposure with a 3° inclination to ESE.
Watered by Putna’s river to the west and Şuşiţa to the east, it is a vineyard paradise. Here, the Băbească Neagră, Plăvaie, Fetească Neagră and Fetească Albă have been the queens of the vineyard for thousands of years.
The quality of the wines convinced the ruler of Moldavia (old Romanian state) Eustatie Dabija (1661-1665), to buy vineyards. Here he built a magnificent royal residence. Due to the good wines produced here the vine became a symbol on the Moldavian coat of arms and the vineyards of King Dabija became Royal Vineyards.
For over 2,000 years, some of the best white wines in Eastern Europe are produced here. The soil’s specificity, balanced humidity and excellent sun exposure make the grape varieties to have one of the highest acidity in the country. Due to the constant work and managerial sense of the famous Romanian oenologist dr. Ing. Ion Puşca, the Panciu vineyard became the place where the first classical “Panciu” classical sparkling wine was born in 1969 and became a brand known throughout the country.
Since 2009, Panciu is the heart and soul for over 120 hectares of vineyards located in this area. We started the road with a mission which over the years has been the basis of the activities and decisions taken: Making a Natural Romanian Product by continuously capitalizing on the potential of the Panciu vineyard. Thus, the hard and dedicated work of the team is fructified by the presence on the market of a portfolio of quiet white, rosé and red, frizzante, and sparkling wines, all of them in three ranges: Panciu, Panciu Riserva and Panciu.
The 120 ha include 9 white varieties and 4 red: Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Şarbă, Aligote, Galbenă de Odobești, Muscat Ottonel, Tămăioasă Românescă, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Băbeasca Neagră, Fetească Negră, Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon. The wine cellar is equipped with state-of-the-art technological equipment that provides a production capacity of 2 million liters.
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